Saturday 15 September 2012

Thanks Apple, what a waste

Found this great piece by Simon Phipps on Twitter.

It's a comment on the new iPhone 5 with it's new connector. Instead of joining every other manufacturer of mobile phones and using the micro USB standard they've gone with their own new propriety connector.

What advantage do they gain by having their own connector? Considering Android devices considerably out number iPhones these days perhaps having a different connector to everyone else is a disincentive to moving from Android to an iPhone.

A couple of years a ago I was looking for a replacement for my much loved iRiver mp3 player and was all set to purchase a Cowon but was discouraged by it's propriety USB connector. I know it probably won't happen but it would be nice if having to deal with yet another flipping USB cable discourages Android, Blackberry and Windows users from migrating to the iPhone.

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