Friday 26 January 2007

The God Delusion

I have just finished reading the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. What a fantastic book! Dawkins examines religion from almost every possible angle exposing all the contradictions, inconsistencies and often utter nonsense that lies at the heart of most if not all religions. I found the book after listening to a podcast from the Background Briefing program on Unfortunately they have taken down the mp3 file but you can read the transcript. If you find the transcript interesting you'll like the book.

Naturally Dawkins has come under some criticism from the religious and those sympathetic with people of 'faith'. They interpret Dawkins 'evangelising' of atheism as an attack on their sacred faiths which they believe deserve a respect not afforded to any other belief. I find this incredibly hypocritical since the religious relentlessly attack Dawkins for his beliefs! Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist which puts him in conflict with those who believe in creation and a world that is only 6,000 years old. Dawkins has as much right to speak critically and dismissively of religion as the religious do of evolution.

If spirituality interests you at all this is a must read book.


therebmeister said...

Rob has been reading that book as well and thought it was good too!

Rob said...

Ja indeed is good... not finished yet tho.